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Funding opportunities for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) plans to support key population-led organizations by providing Low-Value ‘Law& Access’ grants in 17 selected countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine. The grants will be used to advance and reinforce strategies, tactics, and approaches undertaken by key-population-led organizations to counter discriminatory and punitive laws, policies, and practices in their respective countries.

You can share any questions about the proposal development process through until 30th June 2023. The UNDP Scale team will provide the required guidance in writing to all relevant questions raised.


The SCALE Initiative is a UNDP-PEPFAR partnership that aims to drive progress on the 10-10-10 targets for and with key populations in PEPFAR-funded countries by 2025. The two-year initiative will scale key population-led approaches to counter punitive and discriminatory laws and policies and HIV-related criminalization through (i) Identifying what works; (ii) Building, scaling, and amplifying good practices; and (iii) Investing in Key population communities.

Under its SCALE Initiative, UNDP will support key population-led organizations by providing Low-Value ‘Law & Access’ grants in selected 17 countries during the initiative’s first year. The grants will be used to advance and reinforce strategies, tactics, and approaches undertaken by key-population-led organizations to counter discriminatory and punitive laws, policies, and practices in their respective countries.


To support key population-led organizations to advance and reinforce strategies, tactics, and approaches to counter discriminatory and punitive laws, policies, and practices.

Duration of the grants

The implementation of the activities under the Low-Value grants must be completed within 12 months after the award date. The maximum amount of each Low-Value grant is USD 30,000. Deadline for applications – July 15, 2023.

More details – English and Russian.

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