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Alternative Financing for NPO’s

In recent years, many non-profit organisations (NPO’s) in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) have witnessed significant changes in the structure of their revenues; the volume of grant financing provided by charitable foundations has been gradually decreasing. Such a development has forced NPO’s to search for alternative sources of funding for their programmes and projects. At present, NPO’s are moving towards significantly more complex financing models, such as crowdfunding, involvement of businesses in charitable projects, and the establishment of social enterprises, amongst others. These activities are reaching a new level and becoming more mature and professional; they are now taking into consideration the interests and particularities of all stakeholders involved in the process.

The Eurasian Harm Reduction Association has published a collection of cases in which it tried to systematize and present various alternative financing models that are successfully used in modern conditions and which NPO’s can focus on in search of new resources.

This publication offers a description of various alternative financing mechanisms which NPO’s can use in their search for available financial resources, specifically the forms that such mechanisms could take; how the work should be built from the very beginning; what the motives of participating partners in such initiatives could be; and identification of the secrets of success and the possible risks, amongst other issues.

Read here – Alternative_Financing_EN


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