AFEW Kazakhstan is a leading organisation in Kazakhstan and an expert in the delivery of information campaigns and educational materials on HIV and TB for key populations, their communities and health care providers and NGO staff.
AFEW Kazakhstan prioritises the most vulnerable populations (those who are more at risk, exposed to violence and humiliation, who are more stigmatised, and who suffer social injustice).
AFEW Kazakhstan implements innovative and evidence-based public health strategies, ensuring that every individual has equal access to quality healthcare, and promotes a culture of humane attitudes in the community.
AFEW Kazakhstan Public Foundation* is a winner of a national Kazakhstani award in the category ‘Public Health and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion’.
AFEW Kazakhstan’s key competencies:
- 19 years of working in Kazakhstan in the field of HIV, TB, Sexual Health and Rights, Gender Equality, Community Mobilization and Advocacy, Prison Health, Vulnerable Youth
- Successful implementation of national and regional projects
- Social media interventions, information materials development
- Innovative and interactive education activities for KP, medical workers, journalists, and NGO staff
- Capacity building of local NGOs and CBOs
- KP community mobilisation and advocacy
- Dance4life Franchisee
- Financial agent for local initiative groups
- Co-responsible for Uzbekistan programme
The address:
‘Old Square’ Business Centre
98 Panfilov St., Office 409
Almaty 050000
AFEW Partnership
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