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Voices from Eastern Europe and Central Asia
We request the elimination of gender inequality and discrimination against women and girls; people living with HIV and key populations. We ask that quality HIV, tuberculosis and drug use prevention programmes be implemented in prisons. We ask that at least a quarter of the total budget for the epidemic be allocated to HIV prevention among adolescents and young people and that harm reduction programmes for new substance users be developed and implemented.
Natalya Shumskaya, Director of AFEW Kyrgyzstan
War in Ukraine that continues for more than 5 months already, and humanitarian crisis driven by the war is especially hard for people affected by HIV. The war puts at risk the progress that Ukraine has achieved so far in HIV response.
We should keep the focus on key populations , and make sure that life saving services continueElena Voskresenskaya, Executive Director AFEW Ukraine
We, people living with HIV and key populations, need a valuable set of standardised services based on self-organisations, development and strengthening of community systems. We need advocacy to reduce the price of medicines for people with HIV and TB and monitoring of public procurement processes. We need the development and adaptation of international tools to monitor the implementation of the 2021 Declaration on AIDS and TB in 2018. We call for the implementation of the city declarations on AIDS in Tashkent and Samarkand.
Sergey Uchaev, ISHONCH VA HAYOT, Uzbekistan