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Winners of the 2023 COVID-19 Social Media Awards

On June 14th, nominees and winners of the 2023 COVID-19 Social Media Awards were announced. Elena Bilokon, Director of the Revanche Foundation (Kazakhstan) won in the category “Care and Support”. AFEW International congratulates Elena with such a great victory. Keep up the good work!

Read more about Elena.

The COVID-19 Influencers Social Media Awards shined a spotlight on an invaluable array of social media users – all influencers in their own context – recognizing the incredible contributions they made, and continue to make, to the collective understanding of the pandemic and responses around the world.

AFEW International was a co-host of the awards in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Yulia Komo, Director of Programmes and Public Affairs at AFEW International: “Social media is a viral source to spread information. Our role is to ensure that our virus – positive information – spreads faster than the actual COVID or other viruses so people are not scared.”

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