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We are hiring!

In a rapidly changing global health and geopolitical landscape, AFEW International is now exploring new directions and seeking to hire a Project Manager on a freelance basis to temporarily manage one (or several) projects of AFEW International and a Programmes Manager to manage the Programmes portfolio of AFEW International.

AFEW International is a non-governmental humanitarian organisation that strives to promote health, and advocates for increased access to prevention, treatment, and care for major public health concerns such as HIV, tuberculosis, COVID-19, viral hepatitis, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

AFEW International is working with and for “key populations” (LGBTIQ and men who have sex with men, people who use drugs, sex workers, people living with HIV, (ex-)prisoners, vulnerable youth and adolescents). By providing support and empowering communities and civil society organisations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), we contribute to better access to good quality health services for all, including people whose access is denied due to stigma and discrimination.

With a small team based in Amsterdam, we coordinate the AFEW Partnership, a regional network of civil society organisations (AFEW-KazakhstanAFEW-KyrgyzstanAFEW- Russia, AFEW-Ukraine and AFEW International).

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