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Voices from Ukraine. Odessa.

Evgen Fomin, Public Initiative “Faith, Hope, Love”. Odessa, Ukraine.

From the first day of the Russian military action in Ukraine, we together with other organizations and volunteers in Odessa began to collect, buy and distribute humanitarian aid, hygiene, medicines for vulnerable groups, the disabled, pensioners and just those in need. We constantly help with the evacuation of women and children.

Of course, we continue to provide services to key populations  (sex workers, people who inject drugs, women victims of domestic violence, HIV-positive, transgender people, people released from prison) as before. Now, however, we have added humanitarian assistance to our work. We’ve teamed up with restaurants that make hot lunches for our people, and we deliver them and help set up bomb shelters.

Also in our center Sofia, for women who are victims of domestic violence,  we house internally displaced people – women with children, pregnant women from other regions, and we send them temporarily to Bulgaria, where they will be safer. In between the sirens, we continue to work and provide assistance to people on a daily basis. Online and offline we provide psychological counseling to all our clients, migrants and especially children. We hold radio broadcasts on how to avoid getting into situations of human trafficking, as there are more cases nowadays due to the large number of displaced people.

Today our clients need hygiene kits, food, medicine, clothes, blankets, etc.

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