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AFEW Got Donation to Martine de Schutter Scholarship Fund

16,000 EUR is the amount of donation that AFEW International has got to Martine de Schutter Scholarship Fund from ViiV Healthcare UK Ltd. Initially, the Fund was launched to support participants from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) in attending the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018). The donation from ViiV Healthcare became the first donation after AIDS 2018.

The financing received from Viiv will be used as an effective tool for the EECA scientists, clinicians, community professionals and activists for bringing challenges of EECA region on international agenda and learning from their peers through participation in the international conferences.

Before the 22nd International AIDS Conference, Martine de Schutter Scholarship Fund raised 103,000 EUR to cover the additional scholarships of the EECA applicants to come to Amsterdam for AIDS 2018. The Fellowship Commission of the International AIDS Society (IAS) distributed part of the funds of the Martine de Schutter Fund to participants from EECA. In total, 149 scholarships were granted to delegates from the EECA region or 13% of all IAS scholarships, which means a four-fold increase in comparison to AIDS 2016, and 1.7 increase in comparison to AIDS 2010 conferences.


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