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The final deadline to apply for small emergency support grants is July 20, 2021

The Emergency Support Fund for Key Populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ESF) managed by Aidsfonds and AFEW International is currently providing small grants up to € 8.000 to community-based organisations with the aim to ensure access to HIV prevention, treatment and/or services for key populations, or projects protecting the human rights of key populations.

Since its start in 2018, ESF has received about 600 applications from 10 countries in EECA: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, of which over 230 were funded. For many organisations this support mechanism helped to overcome funding gaps and ensure continuity in the emergency situations, especially in the countries where space for civil society initiatives continues to shrink due to local legislation changes. In the past year many of the applications received and approved by the Fund committee were closely related to the needs emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 is the final year of ESF operations. Based on the amount of remaining funding, as well as the reporting timeline, the ESF Operational Committee has agreed that applications will be received and judged on the rolling basis up until July 20, 2021, or until the funds are exhausted.

Please note: The activities funded with an ESF grant should finish no later than October 1, 2021.

Find more information and apply: Emergency Support Fund for Key Populations – AFEW International


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