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The 5th Health for All Film Festival 

The 5th Health for All Film Festival (HAFF) calls for submissions until 31 January 2024!

As for each previous edition, WHO invites public health institutions from around the world, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), communities, activists and students in public health, film schools, and other relevant domains to submit their original short films championing a health issue. Independent filmmakers, production companies, and TV broadcasters are also invited to participate.

Short documentaries, fiction films, or animation films will have to be submitted in one of the following “Grand Prix” categories:

– Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
– Health Emergencies
– Better Health and Well-being 

In addition, four special prizes will be attributed as follows:

– Physical Activity and Health Special Film Prize
– Migrants and Refugees Health Special Film Prize
– Student Film Prize 
– Very Short Film Prize

The details about health themes that could be told under each category are explained here.

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