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Ukrainian Youth Will Tell Everyone about HIV

Yana Panfilova and Dany Stolbunov from the Ukrainian organization Teenergizer! will perform on 21 July in CREA Theater, Amsterdam. The performance will take place within AIDS 2018 Conference.

The documentary theatre play ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’ aims to draw attention to the issues and stigma which HIV+ teenagers in Ukraine are facing. The performance is a story about two adolescents who are looking for the answers to their questions: “What does it mean to be born with HIV in Ukraine?”, “What do children feel when they have to hide their diagnosis because of the fear to be judged and isolated?”. The documentary theater performance will make the audience feel how it is to live with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), and why it is important to let voices of young people living with HIV from EECA be heard at the global level.

Teenergizer! is an organization created by adolescents for adolescents. The organisation creates world where every teenager can realize full potential; world free of discrimination in all areas, including live with HIV; world in which the rights of all young people are fully respected. AFEW is a unique network of organisations working in EECA for 16 years to improve health of people living with HIV, people using drugs, men who have sex with men, LGBTQI, sex-workers, prisoners, and youth at risk for HIV.

Date and time: 21 July, 15:00

Location: CREA, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, 1018 WV Amsterdam

Language: Russian (English subtitles and translation during the discussion)

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Free entrance

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