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AFEW Works Towards Ending Tuberculosis in the EECA region

World Tuberculosis Day is being recognized on the 24th of March in the whole world. This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes TB.

The theme of World TB Day 2017 is “Unite to End TB.” AFEW International‘s activities are also aimed on ending tuberculosis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, KNCV and AFEW-Kazakhstan are developing a model for structural collaboration between public health (TB, HIV, primary health care) and non-public sector through the DGIS-funded project in Almaty. AFEW International is coordinating this project. In March of 2016, a stakeholders meeting was organised to establish a Stop TB Partnership for Kazakhstan. This partnership reflects a close collaboration between different stakeholders, patients form an important group, working in the field of TB and HIV. 31 participants from NGOs, public TB and HIV services, and representatives of the Stop TB partnership of the Republic of Tajikistan took part in the meeting. The representatives from Tajikistan presented the value, successes and challenges of such partnership.

Kazakhstan is one of the three countries selected to develop a model to strengthen engagement with non-public sector for improved quality of TB/HIV services. Almaty was chosen for the implementation of the model because it is the largest urban area in the country. The project supports the establishment of a network of NGOs that have the capacity to provide TB and HIV care to the most vulnerable populations, and build a partnership between public and non-public sectors to improve access to TB and HIV care by the development of a referral mechanism.

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