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Stories to inspire. Good practices in the fight against hep B and C

The ACHIEVE Coalition would like to issue an updated version of its Stories to inspire after the summer break 2022, to showcase additional good practice examples from across the world which should and must be emulated to put an end to the viral hepatitis epidemic and help Europe meet the UN SDGs target and the WHO elimination goal by 2030.


Good practice comes in many shapes, forms and sizes at different levels and from different actors. Please, consider some points:

Good practice at health system level, such as:  

  • inclusion of hepatitis B and C tests in health check-ups for the general population;
  • inclusion of liver enzyme tests in general health check-ups with a clear path to check on viral hepatitis for those with elevated ALT results;
  • incentives to general practitioners to identify those infected with chronic viral hepatitis (e.g., budgetary incentives, specific software to help identify people with an elevated risk);
  • integration of prevention and testing services for HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs;
  • monitoring schemes and anonymised registries for people with viral hepatitis to identify potential threats to liver health (e.g., cirrhosis, cancer);
  • inclusion of information on viral hepatitis B and C in national/ regional/ local cancer prevention campaigns;
  • coverage of testing/ care for people outside the health system without insurance
  • roll-out of a national strategy to eliminate viral hepatitis;
  • application of innovative data tools to identify people with viral hepatitis who might have been diagnosed decades ago, but have since fallen through the net without knowledge of the availability of treatment;
  • learnings from COVID testing roll-out applied to fight viral hepatitis;
  • Relevant pilots on the above.

Good practice in eliminating viral hepatitis in vulnerable populations (e.g., PWID, migrants, refugees, prisoners, people with thalassemia, etc.)

  • immunisation of at-risk adult populations;
  • decentralised outpatient care, (e.g., addiction clinics, pharmacies, telemedicine);
  • multidisciplinary care projects, including peer and psychosocial support to promote adherence;
  • mobile testing units;
  • projects to help overcome stigma and discrimination.

Successful awareness campaigns to educate different population segments (youth, specific risk groups, healthcare workers) on how to avoid transmission (infection/re-infection) of viral hepatitis B and C, recognise its possible symptoms and the testing and treatment opportunities available

  • specifically aimed at viral hepatitis;
  • as part of a wider health campaign.

Deadline – June 15, 2022.

More details 

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