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Needs and gaps in treatment and rehabilitation for people who use drugs in selected countries of EECA

Report on the needs and gaps in treatment and rehabilitation for people who use drugs in selected countries of EECA

This report presents the results of an assessment on the availability of and access to treatment and rehabilitation services for people who use drugs (PWUD) in selected countries of the Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) region. It was carried out through a regional approach developed by the AFEW Network within the programme ‘Bridging the Gaps: health and rights for key populations. Phase 2’, fi­nanced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

The assessment focused primarily on the topics of rehabilitation and human rights. AFEW International was responsible for information at the international level, whilst regional level assessments focused on EECA countries where the AFEW Network implements the project amongst PWUD, namely, Georgia, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We expect the results of this assessment will be used to improve the current situation with access to treatment and rehabilitation services for PWUD in the EECA region, particularly in those countries in which the AFEW Network works. Findings from this analysis of existing gaps, this assessment represents the fi­rst step to developing rehabilitation services and human rights under the AFEW regional approach. Furthermore, the ­findings will inform the development of pilot projects on advocacy, service delivery or capacity building and the continuous monitoring of results.

The full version of the report is available here.

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