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Registration for EECA INTERACT 2021 is now open!
The second scientific workshop on HIV, Hepatitis C and Tuberculosis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia will be held online on November 11 at 12.00-15.15 CET.

This year’s live virtual event will serve as a preliminary workshop to the 2022 symposium, which we hope will be a face-to-face event, and will consist of three one-hour panels focusing on:

– Integration of HIV, TB, and overdose prevention services;
– Surveillance focused on data collection, validation, and analysis;
– Impact of COVID-19 on health care services.

The virtual EECA INTERACT workshop will be facilitated by Scientific Co-Chairs Prof. MD Cate Hankins and Prof. MD Michel Kazatchkine, with each individual panel presided over by guest regional experts.

The panellists will be young investigators, epidemiologists, members of civil society and other specialists from the region. In addition to presentations, the programme will feature a moderated discussion between panel speakers and the audience. Real-time interpretation will be provided during the event.

Please, register HERE.

Full programme is HERE.

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