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Nonexistent? We exist!

On the 28th of June in the framework of Drug Policy Week at the University of Geneva a documentary film “Nonexistent? We exist!” was shown.

The film is based on the result of the Program to expand the access of vulnerable groups to HIV / AIDS prevention, treatment and care services, which was implemented in the Russian Federation in 2015-2018.

The film told about the results of work under the Program to expand the access of vulnerable groups to HIV / AIDS prevention, treatment, and care services in Russia. This author’s documentary film about how the sincere desire of people to support each other, mutual respect and respect for rights should be the foundation of a modern health care system. Especially regarding socially significant diseases, such as HIV infection.

“This film is very authentic because it was created in cooperation with the representatives of key populations”, says Maria Yakovleva, executive director of the Russian Charitable Foundation “Candle”.

“Today 1 million people with HIV positive status live in Russia. A lot of them represent key populations at risk for HIV: people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, sex-workers. With the help of this film we hope to draw the attention of our international partners to the problem of HIV infection in Russia and to show them that we are still far away from solving the problem and we need any support from the world society”.

The film was created by journalists Igor Kuzmenko and Alexey Kurmanayevsky from DUNews (Drug Users News) – an independent Russian-language news channel about events in and around a community vulnerable to HIV / AIDS.

After the film, there was a discussion about advocating for the needs of people who use drugs in Russia. Participants talked about the achievements of the project and the difficulties that communities are experiencing now caused by the absence of stable funding and stiffening stigma and discrimination of key populations. Daria Alekseeva, AFEW International Program manager, told about the role the organization plays in communities’ lives in the EECA region and particularly in Russia. AFEW International in cooperation with Aidsfonds provides small grants within the framework of the Operational Assistance Fund for key populations to help communities to execute harm reduction programs and to provide services to people.

You can watch the film “Nonexistent? We exist!” here



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