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New funding opportunities for the EECA region!

Border Management Programme in Central Asian States

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has announced a call for proposals to support engagement of non-profit organizations working in the border areas of the Central Asian states in implementation of initiatives for the benefit of the border communities. The main objective of the call is to enhance security, stability, and sustainable growth in the region while supporting cross-border cooperation and improving living conditions for people in the border areas of Central Asia. Eligible actions should targeted at bringing assistance and benefit to the population residing in the Central Asian border regions through socially focused initiatives, such as research and analysis, assistance to vulnerable groups of population affected by migration, support to entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship and facilitation of CSOs and NGOs networks working in border regions.

Eligible countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Deadline: 19 November 2023

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Strategic Support and Policy Grants (SSPG) program (Georgia)

The USAID Civil Society Engagement Program opened a call for proposals for Georgian civil society organizations (CSO) and CSO networks to submit grant applications addressing one of the following priority areas for Georgian citizens – education, healthcare, and social protection – through policy activism and advocacy. Eligible projects should focus on communications and public outreach with the aim to raise general public’s understanding of the targeted problem(s) and mobilize citizens’ support for sustainable policy solutions. Priority project ideas should focus on communications and advocacy campaigns, and engage citizens, communities, and other stakeholders in the solution of the targeted problems.

Eligible countries: Georgia

Deadline: 20 Nov 2023

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Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program (Armenia)

The U.S. Embassy Yerevan announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. The eligible projects include programs that strengthen cultural ties between the United States and Armenia, including cultural and exchange programs that highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element, or connection with American expert(s), organization(s) or institution(s) in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy, culture, and perspectives. Priority is given for e.g., the applications Reinforcing U.S.-Armenian Shared Values (including human rights and social inclusion), Advancing Regional and Global Security and Strengthening Democracy and Civil Society.

Eligible countries: Armenia

Deadline: 31 Dec 2023

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Grants to support actions in the sphere of social rights (Ukraine)

The call for proposals aims to co-fund national/local projects supporting actions of the non-governmental organisations in Ukraine in the sphere of social rights. Eligible projects should aim at strengthening the social rights policies and practices on local and national levels in Ukraine in compliance with the European standards in the field of social and economic rights, and include one or more of the following areas: right to work, right to protection of health, rights of children, right to benefit from social welfare services, rights of persons with disabilities, rights of older persons, right to protection against poverty and social exclusion, right to housing.

Eligible countries: Ukraine

Deadline: 19 Nov 2023

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Public Diplomacy Cultural and Educational Programs (Kyrgyzstan)

The U.S. Embassy Bishkek announced funding opportunity through the Embassy’s Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. Program supports the initiatives that strengthen ties between the United States and the Kyrgyz Republic and support a priority program area in order to highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation.  All proposed programs must include an American element, either through a connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s, usage of American educational/informational resources, or any other activities that promote or contribute to increased mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people of the Kyrgyz Republic. Priority areas include, e.g. Sustainable Economic Growth, Accountable Governance and Stability and Combating Transnational Threats

Eligible countries: Kyrgyzstan

Deadline: 17 Aug 2024

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