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Medicines and medical devices are delivered to Ukraine

Immediately after the war started in Ukraine, the SAZ (the collaboration of 29 Dutch regional hospitals), joined forces and started collecting medicines and medical devices to send to Ukraine. Healthcare workers and doctors contacted hospitals and non-profit organisations in Ukraine and investigated their colleagues’ requests.

AFEW International was also involved in collecting information on the required medicines from its Ukrainian partners. Delivery of medicines within and outside Europe is regulated by rules and permits. Hospitals are not allowed to donate or distribute medicines. Therefore IDA Foundation is involved, an independent social enterprise providing medicine and medical goods to healthcare organisations worldwide. At the end of March, the first truckload of medical supplies and baby food was delivered to Lviv. From there, the aid was redistributed according to lists to Ukrainian hospitals/ organisations. AFEW International’s partners in Kharkiv also received the necessary medicines.

We thank Boris Kanen, the SAZ (the collaboration of 29 Dutch regional hospitals) and all hospitals and supporting organizations for their help in organising the delivery. 

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