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“Kyianka+” has got additional funding

5_Interview-of-Vera-Varyga-for-pressSelf-help group for HIV-positive women in Kyiv, Ukraine “Kyianka+” (transl. as “Kyiv city woman”) has got additional funding from Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd and continues its active work under the project “Expanding immediate intervention model to ensure adherence to HIV and hepatitis C (“HCV”) treatment and improve quality of life for HIV positive women in Kyiv” to the full extent.

Starting from June 2016, the telephone hotline and on-line support via secretive Facebook group has been supplemented with additional self-help group activities. Thus, HIV-positive women of Kyiv city once again will be able to participate in the workshops and trainings on the different important aspects of living with HIV, including prevention of opportunistic infections and aging issues, study at the vocational courses for further employment, visit psychologist and simply spend their leisure time nicely and usefully in the company of like-minded women.

Let us remind you that self-help group “Kyianka+” was created in September 2014 as a result of collaboration between AFEW-Ukraine, Kyiv city branch of All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS and Positive Women of the World (PWW) in order to support and empower HIV-positive women in the Kyiv city.

Telephone hotline to support HIV+ women in Kyiv, Ukraine: +38 (067) 239 69 36

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