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Is HIV Work Human Rights Work? East European Conference 2020

On the 14 December,  a virtual Eastern Europe conference will be held on the topic “Is HIV Work Human Rights Work?”. Originally the event was planned to be in Berlin in March but due to the Corona Pandemic it was cancelled. This conference is based on the discussions and outcomes of the conference “HIV in Eastern Europe – the unnoticed epidemic?!” from 2017.

Despite all efforts, promises and calls for intervention, Eastern Europe remains out of focus in the response to HIV/AIDS, TB and viral hepatitis. While the spread of the HIV epidemic can be contained in many countries, the numbers continue to rise in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Corona pandemic is also having a significant impact in the regions of Eastern Europe.

HIV/AIDS work in Eastern countries is all too often reduced to collective health care and health policy, while in Western countries HIV/AIDS work is usually considered human rights work that led to very concrete demands for the rights and well-being of individuals.

The organizers therefore invite experts and NGO representatives from the respective countries to discuss and debate the local challenges and development opportunities of HIV/AIDS work together.

Michel Kazatchkine, UN Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe, Ralf Jürgens, Senior Coordinator, Human Rights at The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and Raminta Stuikyte, Senior Advisor to UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia already confirmed their participation.

When: 14th of December 2020

Tim: 9am – 5pm (Berlin time)

You can see the conference´s programmes via this link and register for this conference via this link.

The conference is hosted by Aids Action Europe, Action against AIDS (Aktionsbündnis gegen AIDS), Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt) and the German AIDS Service Organization (Deutsche Aidshilfe). 

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