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CSFD capacity building workshop on civil society advocacy

On 23th to 24th November an on-site workshop in Madrid will be organised in the framework of CSFD PROJECT.

Since advocacy is an important tool for civil society members to achieve their main goal of influencing public policies, this training workshop will bring together representatives from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the field of drugs in order to improve their capacities in formulating, implementing and evaluating advocacy actions.

The training workshop

The two-days training workshop will bring together 40 civil society representatives from CSOs that have theirmain base of operation in an EU member state, EEA,  acceding,candidate or potential candidate country, working in the field of drug use and drug demand reduction. Participants of the training workshop will improve their capacities in planning, implementing, evaluating and communicating advocacy actions.
Organised by UNAD, IDPC, RRF and AFEW International on behalf of the CSFD, this workshop is co-funded by the European Union, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
The workshop is practical, interactive and builds upon the experience and the specific needs of the
participants. In this two days- training workshop you will learn:

  • How to ensure the meaningful participation of vulnerable people and groups in the
    development of advocacy actions.
  • How to develop transformative political advocacy interventions with gender approach and right
  • How to plan and evaluate advocacy actions.
  • How to advocate at international level.
  • How to advocate at regional and local level.
  • How to advocate for reform in difficult environments.
  • How to give visibility to advocacy work and impacts.

You can check all the information about the training workshop and the selection criteria in this document. To join the event, please fill the registration form before 17th September:



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