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Antonio Guterres Replied to AFEW Support Letter

Prof. Michel Kazatchkine, Special Adviser to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS on HIV, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

AFEW International received a response to the letters we have sent to the United Nations Secretary-General Mr Antonio Guterres. We have sent two letters that can be read here and here, and asked Mr Guterres to support the position of Prof Michel Kazatchkine as UN special envoy on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA.)

83 organisations from the whole world signed the letter. We asked to reconsider the position of Prof M. Kazatchkine as UN Special Envoy for EECA, as he is in an excellent position to create a momentum to raise awareness on the disruptive situation the epidemics has caused in the region. Prof. Michel Kazatchkine played a crucial role in mobilizing local authorities, (inter)national civil society, donors, researchers and other relevant groups to come to better outcomes to the UNAIDS indicators as we see now. As a result, he enjoys great support from communities in the region.

“Mr Kazatchkine has been an unwavering champion for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. With rising HIV infections across the region, he has served as a tireless advocate and helped to unite stakeholders across sectors to address pervasive challenges that continue to leave our most marginalized communities behind. Mr Kazatchkine is well positioned to build on this work in his new role as Special Adviser to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) on HIV, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis for Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” the letter is saying.

Mr Guterres also expressed the hope for the future collaboration with AFEW International.

The full version of the letter can be read here.

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