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Don’t miss the deadline! “Gender and HIV” Grants Open Call for EECA and SEE countries

The Eurasian Key Populations Coalition (#EKPC) has announced an Open Call for Project Proposals for 2022 Grants Program “GENDER and HIV”. Deadline – 7 May 2022.

EKPC’s “Gender & HIV” Grants Program is developed to address the persistent gender inequalities and human rights violations that put key populations at a greater risk of HIV. EKPC seeks and will fund innovative and client-centric ideas focusing on actions in gender,  and will support your actions by funding your project and by providing technical support, coaching and capacity building.

EKPC invites proposals from EECA countries and SEE countries based civil society organizations scaling up access to gender oriented, sensitive and/or transformative HIV prevention, treatment, care and support and assuring that resources are used to respond to the gender gap in HIV epidemic for transgender and sex worker communities.. This call is an invitation to apply for a grant for up to 4 months duration.

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