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Funding for the Translation / Production of Resource Materials

Funding for community-based organisation within Europe and Central Asia is available within the project SCOPE from European Aids treatment Group. The project provides up to 5000€ (VAT included) of funding for the translation or production of a community-informed, population-specific informational resource material (e.g. leaflets, videos, etc) related to HIV combination prevention.


EATG’s SCOPE project aims to strengthen the skills and knowledge of community health workers, advocates and researchers in the field of HIV combination prevention. It focuses on communities that are inadequately served by policies and programmes.

About the funding opportunity

One of the SCOPE project objectives is to provide a platform for learning, networking, and mutual support for representatives from community-based organisations.

As a result, up to 5000€ (VAT included) of funding is available for the translation or production of a community-informed, population-specific informational resource material (e.g. leaflets, videos, etc) related to HIV combination prevention.

The production and printing/publishing of a resource material is coordinated by the selected local community organisation that has received the SCOPE funding. The resource is then disseminated through different channels at the regional and local levels.

Who can apply?

Any community-based organisation within Europe and Central Asia working within the field of HIV combination prevention can apply.

What type of publications are supported?

This SCOPE activity supports the funding of resource materials which:

  • Convey relevant information regarding HIV combination prevention in lay language at local level.
  • Promote necessary, objective, reliable and up-to-date combination prevention information that is scientifically accurate, patient-focused and user-friendly.
  • Raise awareness on combination prevention tools or and/or approaches among most affected populations (e.g. transgender/gender diverse persons, people who inject drug, people who engage in chemsex, sex workers, migrant communities, women, men who have sex with men, and other groups).

Please complete the application form here by 12 April (23:59 CET).

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