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European Hector Research Award in HIV 2023

The H.W. & J. Hector Foundation, Weinheim, is announcing a prize for European HIV research, which will be awarded for the best scientific achievements in the HIV research area in 2022/2023.


  • EUR 20,000 for the best clinical and/or epidemiological paper;
  • EUR 20,000 for the best basic science, translational paper.

Any paper on an HIV-related topic that has been accepted or published in a peer-reviewed journal within the last 24 months (i.e. from 18 October 2021) before the start of the 19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS 2023) can be submitted.

If the paper has been co-authored by several authors, it should be made clear which author is applying for the award. The application should be accompanied by a written consent of all co-authors.

The submitted paper should be sent along with the application letter addressed to Dr Esteban Martinez, President, by 15 August 2023 by email to the EACS Secretariat at

For reference

In 2019, the H.W. & J. Hector Foundation, Weinheim, Germany, under the initiative of Prof. Jürgen Rockstroh, created and announced a prize for European HIV research. The prize awards the best scientific achievements in the HIV research arena in the year preceding that of the European AIDS Conference. There are two categories which receive a dotation each. Laureates are announced during the European AIDS Conference.

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