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Open Call for Applications for Eurasian Gender Academy 2017 Announced

An open call for applications to participate in the second Eurasian Gender Academy 2017 is announced.

Eurasian Gender Academy  is developed in response to the pressing need to address the persistent gender inequalities and human rights violations that put Women, Girls and Transgender (WG/TG) at a greater risk of, and more vulnerable to HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis. This event is conducted in the framework of RCNF-funded Project “Eastern European Regional Platform for Accelerated Action for Women, Girls and Transgender in in HIV/AIDS Context”.

The 2nd Eurasian Gender Academy 2017 focuses on actions in four areas, outlined below:

  1. Integrating gender analysis into assessment, programme design, implementation and monitoring of organizational and national public health responses and strategies;
  2. Strengthening the capacity of participants to systemically integrate and apply gender sensitive, gender oriented, gender budgeted, gender transforming programs, services and activities at organizational and national levels;
  3. Ensuring inclusion of gender aspects in funding appeals and proposals;
  4. Developing and implementing gender-responsive advocacy and lobby.

Eurasian Gender Academy program is rooted in a broad-based gender equity and human rights approach and reflects a number of principles, including participation, evidence-informed, tailored and ethical responses, partnership, the engagement of boys and men, leadership, multisectorality and accountability.

You can find more information about the program, application and selection process here.

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