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Civic Campaign Cup for People

The Diversity House and Civic Info Centre opened in St. Petersburg during the World Cup. Source:

The Diversity House and Civic Info Centre opened in St. Petersburg during the World Cup on June 16 and will be open until July 16, 2018, as a part of civic campaign Cup for People.

The project is implemented by the Fare network, an international umbrella of organisations and ethnic minority groups, people working to fight discrimination and promote diversity, and the Cup for People, a network of grassroot initiatives and civic activists created before the World Cup in St. Petersburg in order to use the World Cup in the city as an opportunity to enhance communication among people from different countries, both guests and locals, on the human rights, inclusion and civil society topics.

The Diversity House and Civic Info Centre will work every day between June 16 and July 16 as an open and safe space for everybody to celebrate diversity and meet people using football to create awareness and change for inclusion, protection of human rights and development of civil society.  The Diversity Houses will feature a football exhibition, World Cup match-viewings, lectures, discussions, festivals, and meetings with local supporters and residents. See the programme here.

The Civic Info Centre will be an information point within the Diversity House, which will provide assistance to the international and Russian guests as well as journalists concerning the available civil society organizations and activities in St. Petersburg. They will also disseminate safety guidelines and help for guests, organize dialogues and network with locals. Alternative tours with the human rights and civil society focus will take place.

Guests of the World Cup in St. Petersburg are invited:

  • To visit the Diversity House and Civic Info Centre any time to ask questions about social and cultural life of St. Petersburg and Russia, to watch the Exhibition on the Inclusion in Football and translation of the football matches
  • To participate in our public events on different topics, see the program here.
  • To organize a public event on your country or your field of interest in our space.
  • To come with our excursions and walks in English by guides among the thematic experts and grassroots activists on different aspects of cultural and civil society life in St. Petersburg: on creative spaces, street art, social problems, charitable projects, etc. check here.
  • To check the Map for People, a St. Petersburg map of responsible consumption, which will show, where to eat and make shopping by supporting local and ethically, environmentally and socially responsible enterprises, click here.
  • To check the bars in St. Petersburg, which are especially safe for women, click here.
  • To support the Diversity House and all the activities of the Cup for People financially, click here.
  • To use the Fare Diversity Guide, a comprehensive online resource combining travel advice and important information including historical context, Do’s and Don’ts and what to expect in each of the 11 host cities, including specific guidance and safety advice for the LGBT community and ethnic minorities traveling to Russia. The WhatsApp hotline is being set up to help support visiting minorities in Russia with issues of discrimination to report or who require other urgent help: + 79169481108.

Time: June 16 — July 16, 12:00 — 23:00

Place: St. Petersburg, Berthold center, Grazhdanskaya str., 13-15, enter through the yard


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