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COVID-19: Clinical and Ethical Aspects of Care

In the beginning of September an online training called “COVID-19: Clinical and Ethical Aspects of Care” was held under the framework of the project “Advocating vulnerable groups’ rights through a stronger civil society in Uzbekistan”, which is running in the country with the financial support of the European Union.

“Ishonch va Hayot”, the project’s executive organization, organized this training. “Participants of the training possessed different levels of preparation and involvement, they had varying work experience in the field of care for people affected by COVID-19”, says Sergey Uchaev, director of Ishonch Va Hayot. “By means of this training we wanted to structure knowledge of the participants regarding clinical and ethical aspects of care during COVID-19 pandemic, to assist development of their communicative skills for effective communication, additionally, to form knowledge about professional stress, professional burnout and develop skills to overcome them”.

This training was based on the materials provided by the “Guidelines for social workers and peer consultants of non-commercial organisations working with vulnerable groups”, specially developed for such purposes and approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The following topics were covered during the learning event:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections. Grippe. Questions of vaccination.
  • COVID-19, a new respiratory infection. Symptoms. Diagnostics. Risk groups. Vaccination (types of vaccines, indications and counterindications).
  • General questions of protection against acute respiratory infections. “Respiratory ethics”. Hand washing technique. Rules of using medical masks.
  • Confidentiality and information security.

Training organisers held surveys before and after learning. The results showed that the information presented during the training was provided in an easy and accessible form. Through this, the participants strengthened their current skills, as well as gained new and important knowledge about the guiding principles of medical work ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as about human rights during the pandemic and their manifestation at all levels.

For reference

In the beginning of 2022 Ishonch va Hayot in partnership with AFEW International and with the financial support of the European Union started implementation of the programme “Advocating vulnerable groups’ rights through a stronger civil society in Uzbekistan”. The project aims at expansion of rights and opportunities of vulnerable groups in Uzbekistan, including groups most affected by discrimination – women, people with disabilities, people living with HIV or with high risk of infection, migrants. Moreover, the programme promotes advocating for the rights and freedoms through strengthening and increasing potential of the local CSOs thus strengthening civil society in Uzbekistan.

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