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AFEW International is a Dutch non-governmental humanitarian public health organisation dedicated to improving the health of key populations in society. 

The AFEW International’s role

Although we do not offer services to people living with HIV in the Netherlands, AFEW International plays a vital role in the coordination of the AFEW Partnership. AFEW International office located in the Netherlands connects the Partnership with international donors and ensures all policies, procedures, and reports meet international expectations and the standards of international donors.

By providing independent oversight, the Dutch office aims to maintain a clear and transparent method of working. As the main link internally between the Partnership members and externally with policymakers, donors, and other stakeholders, the secretariat helps to promote AFEW as an international Partnership of organizations in both the West and the East. AFEW International conducts activities and fosters relationships to promote advocacy for key populations and to work with international partners to ensure that their needs remain on the forefront of both national and international policy. Additionally, the Dutch office coordinates opportunities for the exchanging of knowledge and the promotion of partnerships within and outside of the network. Through study tours, conferences, meetings, and roundtables, the international secretariat facilities the sharing of best practices, experiences, and ideas.

The address:

Van Diemenstraat 48
1013 NH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 6381718

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