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Contacts and information for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, Romania and Poland

The information is gathered by the Global Fund’s partners.  Please, share this list as wide as possible. 


  • Air space closed. Trains to/from Ukraine appear suspended. All land crossing checkpoints open. Cars allowed entry in absence of green card (with obligation to procure within 24 hours).
  • Entry based on passports or internal IDs or birth certificates for minors. No need for COVID passes. Pets admitted without passports.
  • Reception services at the border provided by the Government and UNHCR partners. Transport, food and lodging arrangements made by state authorities local public administration authorities in many locations, and civilians (Moldexpo reception center in Chisinau, hotline +37379114040;
  • Hotline maintained 24/7 by Bureau for Migration and Asylum 080001527
  • Hotline maintained by UNHCR partner Legal Center ( +37360574848, +37368828180
  • Emergency care, primary healthcare, COVID tests and vaccinations HIV, TB, OST services all available free of charge. For TB care and services, contact number is +37367443997.
  • Mental health services available. Telegram channel on mental health support to refugees with other 80 psychologists Psychologist of Positive Initiative also available to help (Anastasia, +37379637027)
  • Asylum seekers entitled to reduced cost of mandatory health insurance policy



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