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Save the Date: Compendium of good practices of people living with HIV

Michel Kazatchkine


Launch event: Compendium of good practices on the long-term health, chronic care and well-being of people living with HIV

Tuesday, 27 November 2018, 09.00-11.00
European Parliament, Brussels (Room JAN 6Q1)

Keynote speakers

Michel Kazatchkine

Chair of the Board, AFEW International and Special Advisor to Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Vytenis Andriukaitis

European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

Hosted by Christofer Fjellner MEP (EPP, Sweden)

You are warmly invited to join us for the launch of the HIV Outcomes online compendium of good practices on the long-term health, chronic care and well-being of people living with HIV. The launch of this “virtual good practice clinic” follows the “road-testing” of recommendations developed by the HIV Outcomes multi-stakeholder initiative.

The event will discuss learnings and good practices gathered when testing the recommendations at the national level, particularly in Italy and Sweden, and the role of international cooperation in supporting efforts to tackle the challenges posed by living with HIV in the long-term. Speakers will consider the implementation of policy and clinical changes to ensure that people living with HIV can live long and live well.

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