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Call for proposals from the Stop TB Partnership

The Stop TB Partnership announced the call for proposals for Round 12 of its Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS). Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan are among eligible countries.
For Round 12, Stop TB Partnership is announcing an incredible USD 13.5 million to be awarded to Tuberculosis (TB)-affected community and civil society organizations to champion ambitious and strong people-centered, human-rights based, gender-transformative national TB responses, advocacy and accountability efforts to End TB.

The Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) is the Stop TB Partnership’s flagship program. It is a unique grant mechanism for TB-affected community and civil society grassroots organisations to champion, support and contribute to the transformation of the TB response so that it promotes and protects human rights and gender equity, ends stigma and discrimination. CFCS aims to build recognized civil society or TB affected community networks that represent, support and are accountable, so that they collaborate, partner with and take part in national and global TB responses. CFCS supports community and civil society actors to engage in community-driven and high-level advocacy, overcome barriers to accessing services, and monitor the TB response to end TB by 2030.
More information on CFCS and previous rounds of funding.
Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 12 Vision CFCS Round 12 aims to organisations of people affected by TB and civil society organisations to champion and contribute towards ensuring ambitious and strong people-centered, human rightsbased, gender-transformative national TB responses, advocacy and accountability efforts to End TB.
The Stop TB Partnership’s Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 12 is funded by the United States Agency for International Development and L’Initiative implemented by Expertise France.

Deadline to submit applicationsFriday 21 July 2023 by 18:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST).


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