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‘Building a Healthy Future Together’ – AFEW Releases its 2016 Annual Report

AFEW International releases its 2016 Annual Report ‘Building a Healthy Future Together.’ The report highlights AFEW Network’s key activities in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).

“Now more than ever, key at-risk populations need increased access to health services to combat the three epidemics of HIV, TB and viral hepatitis, something that was highlighted last year in the new World Health Organisation global health sector strategies on HIV and on viral hepatitis,” said Anke van Dam, executive director of AFEW. “Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the only region in the world where new infections of HIV are still on the rise, and where multi-drug resistant TB and viral hepatitis cases, also as co-infection with HIV are so highly prevalent.”

On the road to the 2018 International AIDS Conference that will be held in Amsterdam, last year AFEW International started to engage representatives at all levels to ensure that the relevant issues, successes and challenges from EECA are addressed at AIDS2018.

“With AIDS2018 and through all of our projects detailed in this report, AFEW International continues to contribute to a healthy future for the people of EECA,” says Anke van Dam.

The English version of our Annual Report is available here (download PDF.) The Russian version of the Report can be read here (download PDF.)

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