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Building Bridges Between East and West – AFEW Releases its 2017 Annual Report

AFEW International releases its 2017 Annual Report ‘Building Bridges Between East and West.’ The report highlights AFEW Network’s key activities in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

“‘Building bridges’ stands at the core of AFEW’s work. During its more than 15 years of working in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), AFEW has aimed to connect the East and the West by introducing and sharing expertise on prevention, treatment and care for HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis,” says Anke van Dam, executive director of AFEW.

AFEW Network will use AIDS 2018 with its focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia as a springboard to address the three epidemics of HIV, viral hepatitis and TB including multi-drug resistant TB. We will renew our advocacy strategy, work with partners to ensure additional and better healthcare services for all and lead efforts to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals and other multilateral efforts result in a better future for the people of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The English version of our Annual Report is available here (download PDF.) The Russian version of the Report can be read here (download PDF.)

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