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Community-based research: the key population small grants fund AIDS2018

FB AIDS 2018 coverAs the HIV epidemic continues to grow in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, new, more relevant, interventions are needed to address this public health concern. Before such interventions can be implemented, the needs of certain communities at higher risk for HIV, TB and Viral Hepatitis need to be understood. Involving members of key population communities in research gives an opportunity to identify needs that are currently not being met. Community based research captures the actual situation on the ground more clearly and such research can be used as a powerful advocacy tool. By equipping community based organisations and community members with the tools to conduct research and collect data, research capacity will increase, and research results will reflect an inside perspective on needs and priorities.

Fund for community based research

Towards the end of 2016, AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) will release a call for proposals for community-based organizations to conduct research to benefit key populations living in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). The proposals will be assessed by a steering committee. Activities proposed by grantees must contribute knowledge to improving the health of key population groups in EECA. The grantee must be a legally recognized community-based organization registered and operating in EECA. All awarded projects should be completed within 9 months.

Training and Guidance

Training and guidance on how to conduct the community-based research, write abstracts, and present and disseminate findings, will be provided to the grantees. We will be looking for participants with a keen interest, some experience, and familiarity with community based research. A first training, Tools for Change: conducting community based research, is being planned for October/November 2016, followed by a call for proposals, selection, and grant awards.


The awarded research projects will receive guidance and support from the AIDS2018 project team, with some logistical support provided by the AFEW secretariat.  The research report and other relevant materials will be shared via the websites of relevant parties (AFEW, GNP+, EHRN, and others), in other briefings, newsletters, and at meetings and workshops. We anticipate that you submit an abstract to AIDS2018, with the aim of presenting a poster, or an oral presentation.

If you would like to know more about, or be considered for, this unique opportunity to gather knowledge and raise the voice of key populations in research, and at AIDS2018, send us an email at We will send you the application form on request. Please feel free to get in touch with us with questions or remarks. AFEW is looking forward to implementing this project, with and for you!

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