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World AIDS Day 2017 – message of Anke van Dam

World AIDS Day 2017: message of AFEW International Executive Director Anke van Dam

Let us stand still on this World AIDS Day at all the brave people living with HIV that fight for their right to health. Let us think about those living in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), where only 28% of people with the diagnosis HIV have access to ARV treatment, and less than a quarter have a zero viral load. Where the majority of people at a higher risk for HIV face stigma and discrimination. Where the costs for some generic ARVs are higher than the patented ones. Where funds for prevention, treatment and care are diminishing with the years.

AFEW International Executive Director Anke van Dam

In a world where we know how to prevent HIV, how to stop AIDS, how to treat with optimal care, we should not allow that people die of AIDS, nowhere and also not in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

It is therefore not for nothing that AIDS2018, the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam on 23 – 27 July 2017, has a focus on the public health concerns as HIV, TB and viral hepatitis in this specific EECA region. Next year summer, we have more than ever an opportunity to address the challenges and the obstacles in policies, political and health care systems. With the relevant stakeholders in one spot, we have an excellent chance to facilitate dialogue between communities, political leaders and donors for better access to treatment and for sustainable financial mechanisms.

AFEW is working for more than 16 years in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to improve access to health care for people who use drugs, prisoners, sex workers, LGBT and young people. From our experience and collaboration in EECA we can tell what is needed. We as AFEW with all other hard-working networks, NGOs and CBOS from the region will demonstrate our expertise, drive, motivation and willingness to curb the HIV epidemic and our wish for a healthy future for all, including the people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

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