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AIDS 2018 March in Amsterdam

AFEW International received the invitation to join AIDS 2018 march in Amsterdam, and we are sharing this message with you. Please fill in the form below in case you are planning to join the march:

Hello everybody,

In a couple of months the International AIDS Conference 2018 will be held in Amsterdam. We are excited and are looking forward to work together with activists all over the world and make this event one to be remembered.

As you might know from previous conferences, traditionally there will be a march or demonstration of HIV and AIDS activists. This year the march will take place just before the official opening of the conference at the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre in the afternoon of Monday, 23rd of July 2018. With this email we would like to introduce us to you and ask you to join us in the march/demonstration to raise our voices for and with people living with HIV.

We are aware that we might be a little ahead of time. But it gives us together with you more time to activate more people and to organise a good march in cooperation with the local authorities. Please forward this email to more organisations, people, living with HIV or relatives and friends you know and who might like to become part or support the march. 

For some organisational matters we kindly ask you to let us know if you and your organization are interested in updates or possibly want to get  involved. You can do so by filling out an online form:

You will soon hear from us again (if you want).

Kind regards,
Alexander P. &
Hans V.  &
Alexander S.


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