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AFEW marks its 14th anniversary

logoOn December 1, AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) marks its 14th anniversary. Fourteen years ago we started our projects in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, after Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, Netherlands) transferred its HIV prevention activities to the new organisation: awareness raising media campaigns, educational projects for health and social workers and prevention activities in prisons. The transfer was made due to the need to continue and expand efforts to prevent the epidemic.

In close cooperation with local governments and private partners, AFEW continued to introduce reforms in the healthcare system, stimulate implementation of necessary strategies and strengthen ties between the East and the West through the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

Today, this region is most affected by HIV. Despite limited financial resources allocated by international donors and local governments, AIDS Foundation East-West continues to implement vital projects in harm reduction, client management, care and support for people affected by HIV. In Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Ukraine, we are promoting the exchange of experience at all levels and developing reforms in the health system and prisons.

“This year Europe saw an increase in the number of HIV cases, with the highest growth registered in Eastern Europe, said Anke van Dam, AFEW’s executive director. – This is the moment for local governments, national and international donors to act.”

Today, on the World AIDS Day, AFEW is pleased to announce the launch of its updated website Visit our new website and do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter!

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