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AFEW International is hiring a consultant in strategic knowledge management

AFEW International is seeking for a consultant in strategic knowledge management and experience in gathering and structuring relevant data.

AFEW International is an organisation aimed at connecting civil society in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) engaged in public health with civil society and institutions in Western Europe. In a rapidly changing global health and geopolitical landscape, AFEW International is now exploring  new directions.

At present AFEW International has developed White Papers, publications and reports based on project and studies; it is continuously updating knowledge and information related to its scope of work. A recent survey and session with an external advisor demonstrated a need for a clear knowledge management structure for storing, filing, administering and digesting knowledge and information.

Terms of reference:

The consultant will help

  • To understand what data and information is relevant and why;
  • To structure the knowledge and information in such a way that it is easily usable;
  • To develop a procedure and build a structure that is easily accessible and logical;
  • To set up a correct and intuitive filing system;
  • To create an environment for learning, exchanging and digesting of knowledge.


  • A filing system that is easy accessible and understandable
  • A well described process and structure for knowledge management
  • A plan for the creation of a learning environment
  • A training for staff as an introduction to knowledge management

Location: Amsterdam

Time involvement: 8 Days

When: 22 November – 23 December 2020

Language: English

Deadline for applications: 20 November

Candidates can apply to

More details 

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