AFEW International has launched a section on COVID-19 and Prison Health on its website! There you can find the latest information about the new virus in the context of prison health – statements of international organizations, actual articles about COVID-19, etc.

You can be sure that all published information is taken from verified sources.

Health protection in prisons is a serious public health issue, especially at the time of COVID-19. Persons deprived of their liberty might face higher vulnerabilities as the spread of the virus can expand rapidly due to the high concentration of prisoners in confined spaces and to the restricted access to hygiene and health care. That’s why every state should be prepared to any coronavirus outbreak and ensure the health care of people in prisons required by international human rights law.

AFEW International recognizes the importance of people living within prisons receiving necessary healthcare during the COVID-19 time and will continue implementing prison health projects in the EECA region.
We are keeping track on Coronavirus and hopes that together we can overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 and Prison Health

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