On June 8th AFEW International together with “Ishonch va Hayot!” has launched the first 3-days kick-off training in the framework of the program “Advocating vulnerable groups’ rights through a stronger civil society in Uzbekistan”, financed by the European Union.

Representatives of 30 non-profit organizations (18 NGOs from Uzbekistan regions and 12 NGOs from Tashkent) participated in the event in Tashkent. The main objective of the training was to connect CSOs working with the most vulnerable groups and strengthen their organizational skills.
Participants of the training differed from each other not only in the scope of their organizations, but also in age category and regions. Therefore, the first task for the coaches was to “break the ice” between the participants, introduce them closer to each other, and create a trusting atmosphere.
To identify common problems of NGOs, SWOT analysis was introduced to participants of the training. Based on this tool, representatives of NGOs have been analyzing their internal capacity (S and W) and external environment in order to be able to identify strategies to improve their performance. Besides, during this training participants made analysis of context and problems for project proposals, worked on strategies, made tasks according to SMART criteria, and trained on work with data, based on evidence, and evidence, based on the achievements of successful experience in the implementation of specialized projects.
At the end of June, a new call for applications will be launched. Participants from the training can apply using the skills developed during the training and receive mini-grants within the programme “Advocating vulnerable groups’ rights through a stronger civil society in Uzbekistan”. The focus of this call will be on linking and learning, advocacy or community-based participatory research. The target groups are migrants, people living with or affected by HIV, women, and PLWD.
Later this year, new follow-up face-to-face and online trainings will be organized for CSO’s in Uzbekistan, based on the feedback and requests from the participants of the past event.
For reference
At the beginning of May AFEW International in partnership with Ishonch va Hayot, and with financial support from the European Union, has invited non-profit organisations from all regions of Uzbekistan with experience and/or plans in supporting and protecting social, economic, and cultural human rights to participate in the programme “Advocating vulnerable groups’ rights through a stronger civil society in Uzbekistan”.
The main objectives of the programme:
- To support for protection of the social, economic and cultural rights, especially for groups particularly vulnerable to discrimination; excluded women, people with disabilities, people living with, or being at risk of HIV, and migrants.
- To improve organisational capacities, building specific knowledge and skills needed to perform successful advocacy, and adaptivity to emerging challenges.
- To support civil society organisations, to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
- To enable excluded groups to (use or create opportunities to) participate in decision-making.
- To build and strengthen skills for CSOs and create opportunities for networking and coalition building, and for exchange and collaboration with other CSOs.
By giving voice to vulnerable groups and seeking to participate in decision-making, the project contributes to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 16 on developing an inclusive society and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions.
PS. This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ISHONCH VA HAYOT AND AFEW INTERNATIONAL and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.