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“Addiction is not a crime!” – The new national campaign launches in Georgia

addictionOn Friday, June 26 (International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking), non-governmental organization “World of Tolerance” in partnership with Bemoni Public Union, Tanadgoma – Center for Information and Counseling on Reproductive Health and ICF “AIDS Foundation East-West” (AFEW-Ukraine), under financial support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, in the framework of the project “Bridging The Gaps: Health and Rights for Key Populations”, launches advocacy campaign “Addiction is not a crime!” aimed at ensuring human rights of drug users.

Drug problem concerns almost all populations of the society. Drug users are perceived as criminals, but punishment doesn’t give any results – persons released from prison can’t be immediately freed from addiction. These persons are in need of treatment and support. At the same time, it appears that majority of the general population do not have sufficient information about these people, their needs and challenges.

The key message of the campaign is that people must not be punished because of their addiction. Campaign’s main objective is to create a space for discussion the problem, fill the gaps in information for general population, etc.

Presentation takes place on June 26, 5 pm, Tbilisi, Europe House (Freedom square 1.)

Addiction is not a crime!

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