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Abstract submission for Harm Reduction 23 is now open

Harm Reduction International (HRI) opened abstract submission for HR23. The event will take place in Melbourne on 16-19 April 2023.

Researchers, activists, campaigners, policymakers, people who use drugs, human rights experts, health professionals and sex workers are encouraged to submit abstracts on their latest work in drug policy and harm reduction on innovative harm reduction services, new or ground-breaking research, effective advocacy campaigns, peer-driven programmes and key drug policy discussions or debates. Proposals can be for oral presentations, workshops, dialogue space and poster sessions, and also for wellbeing, creative arts and online-only abstracts.

The overarching theme for HR23 is Strength in Solidarity. HRI has a particular interest in hearing from participants on how harm reduction intersects with other social justice movements. HRI still encourages submissions around the foundational aspects of harm reduction, such as HIV prevention and treatment, hepatitis elimination, key populations, programming, Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT), needle and syringe programmes, drug policy and overdose prevention. All these topics should focus on women and on community-led responses.

The call for abstracts will close at 23.59 BST on 30 September 2022.

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