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Supervisory Board

AFEW International relies upon the expertise of its Supervisory Board members for guidance and support. Therefore, AFEW’s Supervisory Board is comprised of professionals with extensive experience in organisational management, programme development and evaluation, financial management, and research. Currently, the AFEW’s Supervisory Board consists of the following five members:

Masoud Dara

Board Member

Timur Abdullaev

Vice Chair

Robert Delhaas

Board Member

Viviane Bremer

Board Member

Anke van Dam


Antons Mozalevskis


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Masoud Dara

Dr Masoud Dara is a physician and public health professional from Belgium with more than 25 years of experience in designing, implementing and evaluating health programs with a focus on infectious diseases in about forty countries across four continents. Since November 2021, he functions as the Senior Director of Global Health and Alliances at Otsuka Novel Products Group GmbH. From October 2020 to October 2021, Dr Dara served as the Special Representative of the WHO Regional Director to Belarus, providing strategic guidance and policy dialogue and leading the WHO Country Office activities in the country. From October 2016 to October 2020, he coordinated the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s Communicable Diseases Department and led the WHO/Europe’s Joint Tuberculosis, HIV and viral hepatitis program. Before that, Dr Dara functioned as the WHO Senior Advisor to the European Union for two consecutive years. He led the WHO/Europe’s TB and MDR-TB program between 2010 and 2014. From 2001 to 2010, he served as a Senior Consultant of the Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Association (KNCV) and functioned as a WHO Medical Officer in Moscow. In the beginning of his international career, Dr Dara worked as a medical doctor and Project Coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières in Central Asia and as the Head of Belgian Red Cross in Kosovo between 1998 and 2001.

Timur Abdullaev

Timur Abdullaev is a human rights lawyer and a TB/HIV community activist from Uzbekistan. He currently serves as Vice-Chair of AFEW International, Board member of TBpeople, the global network of people affected by TB, and Advisor to the Vice Chair of the Stop TB Partnership. Also, Timur works as a human rights and public health consultant with a wide range of international development agencies and NGOs.

Robert Delhaas

Viviane Bremer

Dr. Viviane Bremer is a medical epidemiologist. Originally from Luxemburg, she has been working in surveillance of STI and HIV since 2001 at the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI). Between 2008 and 2012 she was the head of the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training at the ECDC in Stockholm. After returning to the RKI she was appointed in 2014 as the head of the Unit for HIV/AIDS, STI and Bloodborne Infections. She authored numerous articles in the field of HIV and STI. She is head of the WHO European Region Collaborating Center for Viral Hepatitis and HIV.

Anke van Dam

Anke van Dam has a medical background. She started her career as a general practitioner and moved on as a public health specialist in the Netherlands. In the 90-s she began her international work for the Red Cross, World Population Foundation and Rutgers, Dutch expertise centre on sexuality, and specialised in sexual and reproductive health and rights. From 2008 till 2021 she worked for AFEW International, first as programme manager and for the last 9 years as executive director. The focus of her work was to increasing and improving access to information, treatment and care for key populations with a higher risk for HIV. Since October 2021 she works as a strategic advisor for digital health at Pharos, Dutch expertise center on health.

Antons Mozalevskis

Antons Mozalevskis is the technical officer for key populations at the WHO Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI programme, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Antons is a medical doctor from Latvia trained in family medicine and infectious diseases epidemiology. His background includes 7 years of clinical experience followed 10 years of public health policy and research. He also has extensive experience of engaging with human rights and HIV NGOs on national and international level. Since 2024 Antons has the role of an observer at AFEW Internartional.