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A study tour for Almaty city civil servants and NGO representatives in Amsterdam

On 25 – 29 September representatives from the government and civil society in Almaty (Kazakhstan) visited Amsterdam and participated in a study tour, organised by AFEW International! The main goal of our guests was to learn more about the Dutch/European approach to addressing social problems and to identify good practices with the potential to be transferred to Kazakhstan.

Following one of our strategic directions, LINKING & LEARNING (both from West to East and from East to West), we are happy to provide opportunities for effective exchange and access to knowledge to the wider EECA region and neighbouring countries!

Contact us for more details!

Thanks to our partners for cooperation:

Trimbos Institute
P&G 292 (Amsterdam Center for Sex Workers)
Social market in Amsterdam Noord
Amsterdam Public Health Services (GGD)
De Regenboog Groep
European Forum for Primary Care
Into Inclusion

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