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Dalan Fund’s Pilot Cycle of Resource Distribution. Call for Applications is now open!

Apply before 8 August!

Dalan Fund (DF) aims to transform how Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central and North Asia are resourced, fostering resilience and the collective power of intersectional social justice organizers and movements in and for the regions. 

Given the complex geopolitical, cultural, economic, racial, ethnic, and historical layers of recurring crises in the CEECCNA regions, the Fund works on the following dimensions:

Local activists and community organizers are the first to signal that a crisis is on the horizon, assess risks, and develop strategies and tactics to prevent escalation. Dalan Fund intends to listen to these signals and move resources to strengthen movement-led crisis prevention work;

To address emerging crises across the regions timely and effectively, the fund aims to resource strategic and proactive infrastructure and coordination efforts. This will support movements-led frontline responses so that organizers can strategize and address crises as they see fit;

To address the complexity of multiple ongoing and interconnected humanitarian and human rights crises in the regions, the fund resources emergency, mid and long-term movement-led strategies, and responses.

Please note that Dalan Fund is not an emergency grantmaker. Through the pilot cycle, we will not fund direct or immediate responses but will give priority to applications addressing mid-to-long-term responses.

Coming out of the state of emergency and moving toward stabilization and full recovery is crucial, especially with the movement-led vision and tactics at its very core.The Fund enables the creation of movement-led crisis recovery strategies and supports re-thinking and re-building, as well as generating vital resources for continuing activism.

Recognizing that there are ongoing and emergent crises all across the regions with immediate and long-term needs to address them, the Fund aims to fund ideas, efforts, strategies, and actions proposed by the movements that fit within the four crisis dimensions.

The vision and goal for Dalan Fund´s Resource Distribution is to provide multi-year support to our grantee partners. Given that DF is still in the building and expansion period, for the Pilot Cycle in 2024, one-off grants will be given of between USD 5,000-10,000 for unregistered groups, and USD 7,000-15,000 for registered organizations.

Approximately 30 groups/organizations will be funded. The duration of the grant cycle is one year. The exact number of grants will depend on the actual grant sizes as determined by the Participatory Decision-Making Committee (PDMC), the participatory decision-making body of Dalan Fund´s Resource Distribution practice.

Check eligibility criteria here

Deadline – August 8th 2024.

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