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Exchange good practices!

Representatives from the government and civil society in Almaty (Kazakhstan) arrived in Amsterdam to participate in a study tour, organized by AFEW International! The main goal of our guests is to learn more about the Dutch/European approach to addressing social problems and to identify good practices with the potential to be transferred to Kazakhstan.

Yesterday, on the first day of the visit, AFEW International organized a session with John-Peter Kools, Senior Drug Policy Advisor Drugs at Trimbos Institute. Trimbos provides research, policy, and practice-based advice for professionals on mental health and addiction issues across the life course, and across the promotion, prevention, treatment, and recovery spectrum. One of the key international activities of Trimbos Institute is to support other national governments and agencies in developing effective, health & rights based drug responses. That is why during the presentation, John-Peter told participants from Kazakhstan about Dutch drug policy and its best practices. He also shared with guests information on national and international projects of the institute, including activities in Central Asia which stimulate international dialogue.

It was a great start of the study tour! Following one of our strategic directions, LINKING & LEARNING (both from West to East and from East to West), we are happy to provide opportunities for effective exchange and access to knowledge to the wider EECA region and neighbouring countries!

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