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A workshop for tuberculosis control service and private health care providers in Kyrgyzstan

On October 14-16 2021, AFEW International, together with AFEW-Kyrgyzstan and KNCV-Kyrgyzstan, is organizing an institutional capacity-building workshop for tuberculosis control service and private health care providers in Kyrgyzstan in the “Together against tuberculosis” project framework, financed by TB Reach Wave 8 initiative of “Stop TB” Partnership/UNOPS.

The workshop participants will be representatives of the National Tuberculosis Control Program, the Ministry of Health, Mandatory Health Insurance Fund , as well as Public–private mix (PPMs) and NGOs, about 30 people are expected in total. Experts from Georgia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and India will share their experience of involving private clinics in TB management during the 3-day face-to-face event that will take place in the suburbs of Bishkek, Koy Tash village.



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