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Annual report 2020 “Solidarity in the time of three pandemics”

AFEW International presents its annual report 2020 “Solidarity in the time of three pandemics”. 

2020 was the year that will go down in history as the year in which a novel coronavirus brought the world to a standstill. COVID-19 has changed our lives and everyday reality on multiple levels, especially hitting those most vulnerable.

For the EECA region, COVID-19 brought a third pandemic to the two major ones we were already dealing with – HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis. The AFEW Partnership and the AFEW International teams did a great job in reorganising activities planned for 2020 from live to virtual events; insetting up a structure to meet COVID-19 related needs; and in adapting to modus of working from home. We improved our skills in organising virtual meetings, trainings and webinars; learned how to stay in touch with each other virtually and tried to stay healthy. We never stopped working, we adjusted our programmes where we could, re-strategized and re-directed resources to the most urgent, emergency needs arising in connection with COVID-19 restrictions.

Please read the Annual Report 2020 to learn about the highlights and impact we made in 2020.

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