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Test your knowledge on understanding LGBTI health and needs

How much do you know about the health issues and needs of LGBTI people?

The right to health is fundamental to our human rights and encompasses a broad definition of physical health and (mental) wellbeing. Governments of all nations have an obligation to fulfil this right for all people, without discrimination of any kind. However, for multiple reasons, social minorities and marginalized groups, whether women, sexual and gender minorities, people living with disabilities, rural communities, the poor, the elderly, to name a few, all experience additional barriers to accessing health care, which impact their health outcomes.

The Share-Net Netherlands’ community of practice (CoP) working towards improved LGBTI health has created a quiz based on a paper written by Jennifer Sawyer “Understanding LGBTI health: health issues and needs of LGBTI communities”, commissioned by CoP in 2020. You can access the full paper here.

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